Sacramento NLPOA &
Sacramento Sheriff's Toy Project
Scholarship Award Ceremony, 2013

Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA

April 5, 2013 the Sacramento NLPOA Chapter held its annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s Conference Center, in East Sacramento CA. For the second year the Sacramento Chapter was joined by the Sacramento Sheriff’s Toy Project, which matched all the financial NLPOA awards, presented to the students. Each scholarship recipient received two checks, one from each organization. Special thanks to Lt. Marchese, President of the Sacramento Sheriff's Toy Project for helping to provide substantial scholarships to thirteen deserving students who live or attend college in the Sacramento area.

Providing scholarship has become a meaningful and an important part of the Sacramento Chapter,
helping students who will be our future leaders.

The following students received scholarshaps awards for 2013:

Josh Leon, Atalie Brown, Wendy Woo, Cassandra Rios, Jordan Berry, Olivia Murray, Teryn Caruso, Selena Chavez, Faith Lemire-Baeten, Mariah Frerichs, Bethany Morrow, Janice Poon, Justice Brandenburg.


Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Olga Arellano and Son, Sacramento Chapter Scholarship Chair and Treasurer.
Miguel Arias, Sacramento Chapter Vice President
Lt. Tom Neri, President of Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento Scholarship Committee
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento Chapter Scholarship Committee
Sacramento NLPOA
Officer Sam Flores
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Officer Miguel Arias
Lt. Marchese, President Sacramento Sheriff's
Toy Project and
Lt. Tom Neri, Sacramento Chapter President
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
All Scholarship Recipients
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA Scholarship Committee
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Officer Bruce Wanner
Sacramento NLPOA Members
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA

Sacramento NLPOA

Sacramento NLPOA
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA
SAcramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Scholarship Recipient
SMUD Conference Center, in Sacramento CA
Scholarship Recipient
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Sacramento NLPOA
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient
Scholarship Recipient