Sacramento NLPOA "Mixer" October 28, 2009

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Sacramento NLPOA
Tony Amador (center) past United States Marshal for the Eastern District of California and past Sacramento NLPOA President

Sacramento NLPOA

Sacramento NLPOA President
Lt. Tom Neri & Tony Amador

Rafael Rodriguez, (left)
Sacramento NLPOA's Vice President

Alberto Perez, Past Sacramento NLPOA President

Charmaine Fajardo, CHP Officer and
Sacramento NLPOA's event coordinator

Andy Cruz, (center)
Sacramento NLPOA's Webmaster

Sacramento Sheriff's Association
Sacramento NLPOA Sponsors

Sacramento NLPOA

Sacramento NLPOA

Jason Vega, (right) Sacramento NLPOA's
Master of Ceremonies


Sacramento NLPOA Members

Sacramento NLPOA Members

Sacramento NLPOA Members

Jesse Garcia, (left) and Tony Amador, Past
Sacramento NLPOA Presidents

Lt. Tom Neri
Sacramento NLPOA President

Andy Cruz (left) and Alberto Perez, Past
Sacramento NLPOA Presidents

Sacramento NLPOA Members

Albert Najera, (center) Past
Sacramento Police Chief

Mexican Consulate Members